The applicant company can apply to the Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, in the prescribed format along with all requisite documents including the applicable processing fee must be paid online through the broadcast Seva portal, wherever prescribed. Based on the information furnished in the application form, if the applicant is found eligible, their application will be sent for security clearance to the Ministry of Home Affairs and for clearance of satellite use to the Department of Space (wherever required).
As soon as these clearances are received, the applicant will be asked to pay the permission fee online through the broadcast Seva portal and Performance Bank Guarantee as applicable.
Thereafter, the Company would be issued formal permission to enable it to obtain requisite license/ clearances from the WPC Wing, Ministry of Communications & IT, or approach a teleport service provider.
The applicant will pay the license fee and royalty, as prescribed by WPC Wing from time to time, annually, for the total amount of spectrum assigned to the Hub/Teleport station, as per norms & rules of the WPC Wing. Besides, the Hub/Teleport station owner will inform the WPC Wing of the full technical and operational details of TV channels proposed to be uplinked through his/her Hub/Teleport in the prescribed format.
TV Channel Registration In India Required Company to apply to a registered TV channel in India
The Company should have a minimum Net Worth as prescribed below:
Non-News & Current Affairs TV Channel - Required Net Worth for First TV Channel Rs. 5.00 crore and For each additional TV Channel Rs. 2.50 crore
News & Current Affairs TV Channel- The required net worth for the first TV channel is Rs. 20 Crore and each additional TV channel Rs. 5.00 Crore
Processing and Permission Fee
The applicant will pay an amount of Rs. Ten thousand per TV Channel as a non-refundable processing fee online through the broadcast seva portal.
The applicant company shall pay a permission fee at the rate of Rs. Two lakh per channel per annum to uplinking fee and Rs. Five lakhs per channel per annum for Downlinking fee online through broadcast seva portal.
After being held eligible, the applicant Company shall pay the permission fee for the first year before the issuance of permission. The succeeding year permission fee will have to be deposited 60 days before such fee becomes due.
To know more Please read Policy Guidelines for uplinking of TV Channels from India-2011.